Monday, July 5, 2010

Craters of the Moon

Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho is facinating from an archeological standpoint, or just plain ugly from a non interested standpoint. It looks a lot like a dumping ground for all of the world's torn up asphalt. Very strange and interesting volcanic wasteland. It is located just outside of the town of Arco. Arco holds the distinction of being the first town in the world to receive all of it's electricity from a nuclear powerplant. (Still nothing else there)...


  1. What an interesting place Craters of the Moon National Monument is!! Never knew it existed and I can see how it would be very interesting from an archeological standpoint. Thanks for sharing...I'll do some further reading on it.

    Have fun!!
    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  2. It's definitely interesting from a geological stand point. I don't know how it's interesting from an archeological standpoint.

  3. It's definitely interesting from a geological stand point. I don't know how it's interesting from an archeological standpoint.

  4. It's definitely interesting from a geological stand point. I don't know how it's interesting from an archeological standpoint.



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We began full-time RVing on 06/30/2009 starting immediately after settlement on our home in southeastern PA. We hope to see a lot of what this country has to offer in the next few years.